
Faculty of International Studies





【国際学部】Special guest visit by Ms. LaTonya Whitaker(“Topics in US Society”, Prof. Sarah Asada)

 Since joining the Faculty of International Studies in 2017, I have had the opportunity to teach many
students. One of my largest courses is “Topics in US Society”. About 50 to 100 students, spanning all
grade levels, join this course each spring semester. We learn about prominent and emerging topics in
American Studies. The main goal of each class meeting is to understand a current topic from multiple
perspectives and challenge our understandings of US society.

 In May, we were very fortunate to have a special guest in class, Ms. LaTonya Whitaker. She shared her
knowledge and experiences about the topic, “Gospel Music.” We learned music plays an important role
in society and humanity. Through music, we can share and connect with each other’s life experiences.
She shared with us that gospel music expresses a personal, spiritual, or religious belief. In fact, gospel
music has a long history and plays an important role in American history. Gospel music originates from
Spirituals (religious songs) sung by African Slaves prior to 1865. Most importantly, Spirituals played an
crucial function in the Underground Railroad, which helped slaves run away from the South to the North
in search of freedom. Spirituals allowed people to communicate messages and warnings to ensure safe
passage to the North. During class, we even had the opportunity to listening to Ms. Whitaker’s
breathtaking singing and try out singing gospel music ourselves.

 Students had many questions and comments for Ms. Whitaker. One question was, “How are you so
strong to share about the difficulties of Black Americans in the US? When I studied abroad, I had a lot of
problems, but I’ve never had the courage to tell others”. Indeed, as individual, we have all experienced
difficulties during our lifetimes and reflecting upon history. Painful experiences often evoke a visceral
effect. Feeling emotions throughout our body, mind, and soul makes it feel almost impossible to express
to close friends and families, let alone people we have just met, about difficult experiences. Ms. Whitaker
shared with us that sharing knowledge is powerful. By sharing the challenges of the past and present, we
can work towards together for a better future for all.

 Ms. Whitaker provided us a very special collective learning community built around respect,
understanding, and empathy. It is through gaining knowledge and challenging ourselves that we can
continue our life journey, step by step, in understanding the past and present and creating a better

 For more information on Ms. LaTonya Whitaker, please visit:
Founder and Executive Director, Legacy Foundation Japan: https://legacyfoundationjapan.com/
Owner and Chef, Soul Food House: https://soulfoodhouse.com/